Monday, September 19, 2011

A Night Worth Blogging About..

Caleb and I took the boys to the Calhoun Fair last week and we had such an amazing time. While we were there I was thanking God for all He has given us and I feel so blessed to have these amazing guys by my side. Noah had such a great time at his first fair and seeing the sweet smile and hearing his laughter brought joy into my soul. I would have loved to have just stayed in that moment for a while longer because it was an amazing feeling.

Noah rode many rides by himself and had a blast!
He went down this slide many many times :)
This was his favorite & the smile on his face was wonderful
I couldn't resist..I had to capture this. I love their hands!
And most importantly, I love these two little boys :)

Self portrait accidentally on zoom..but its a keeper because I kinda love him ;)

Even though Toby didn't ride anything, he still had fun!

Even Caleb got in on the fun!

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