Wednesday, August 18, 2010

ScHoOl Is CoOl !

Noah absolutely loves pre-school! This is his third day. He wakes up every morning in a good mood (surprisingly) and he's ready to start his new day with his new little friends. I'm so happy for him. Happy that he got into a really great school, happy he gets to learn alot of cool new things, and happy he gets to make TONS of new little friends that are exactly his age. He needs this so much. He loves it when they dance and listen to music - and when the music says freeze...he freezes! I think that's his favorite thing so far. He did have to sit next to the teacher at story time on his first day, he wouldn't sit still when she asked him to. He was not the only one...its a new process! Yesterday he did great and didn't have to sit with the teacher during story time, he sat through it and listened. YAY! Also, he is not a napper. They have to lay on their mats for one solid hour with the lights out. They do not have to sleep, just lie still. Big issue with him on the first day. He didn't get in trouble, but he didn't want to lay down either. Yesterday, however, he laid on his mat until the lights came on he said. I took him a blanket (required) and it has silk on the outside edges - and I think that helps. If I haven't ever mentioned it before, he loves silk. He has to sleep with some type of silk gown/material every night..he calls it his "beet beet". Not sure where he got that term, but that's what he's called silk since he was a little tiny boy. I think its cute and I refuse to take his security away from him. He's only little for a short period of time :) I love him sooo much and I'm so proud of him. He lights up my life in a million and one ways and I am so very blessed and thankful that God gave him to me.


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