Sunday, January 4, 2009

Our Evening

Noah got a few board games for Christmas and we thought we would try a couple of them out tonight. First we had to make sure we were all 3 & up: [check mark insterted here]

Up first: Operation. Oh boy, was Noah not a patient little tyke! He got extremely mad at himself every single time the buzzer would go off. . .definitely needing to work on some patience! He gets that from me. Bless him.

Up next: Chutes and Ladders. Ahhh, the thrills of this game. First let me tell you a story about Caleb when he was around Noah's age. He said he was always upset because he never landed on the square where you could climb the highest ladder on the entire board [all of you chutes and ladders fans - you know what I'm talking about!] So, tonight, for the very first time ever : my 28 year old husband finally landed on THAT square!

Now, back to the game. Noah loves loves loves this game! And he's a pro, too, because [drum roll please] he landed on the square that takes him up the highest ladder - not once - but twice!!! It was lots of fun and we had a blast.

After the games came bath time. Noah took a vapor bath, hopefully that will help clear his snotty little nose and allow him to breathe better tonight. So as Noah was blissfully taking his bath and Caleb was showering in our room, I sat in the room with Noah and read some of Eclipse. Still pacing myself and I'm glad. It's a good book but still doesn't top Twilight. . and I'm kind of hoping it does! Anyway, I will edit this post later and add some pics of our game night! ♥

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